Monday, April 25, 2011

Bike Rodeo Information

I have a great event for the county. On May 12th from 3:00 to 5:30 there will be a bike rodeo in the community center parking lot. Lots of cool things and free food. There will even be trail riders who jump on rocks and over things. Even a blender bike that you pedal to make a smoothie. We the event planners through the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic would like to be sure that all of the community is aware of it. This gets me back to the reason we need volunteers for any event there is never enough. I was wondering if any of you would be interested in preparing fruit the day before in the afternoon or the morning of it would just be cutting and washing etc.

For more information on the Move It! program and the bike rodeo, and to register for the Move It! program, go to the Sawtooth Mountain Clininc website.

**See the events page for information on our next field trip.


  1. Can't find the register page. :( Maybe I didn't look in the right place? -Renee

  2. Hi Renee-
    I asked Christine about that and here's her answer. "When you go to the web site click on the MOVE IT!! link then under activities it is there with dates and times." I'm going to change the link so it gets us all to the right spot.

  3. I still can't find a place to register for the bike rodeo. The closest I can get is this:

    This is a flyer for the bike rodeo. The only thinkg I see to register for is the Move It! program, May 16 - May 22??

  4. Here's a copy of an emial I received from Christine to clarify the situation.

    Oh no sorry to have confused you. You sign up for the MOVE IT!! Then you just come to the rodeo no sign up needed. If you do not want to register for the MOVE IT week you can still come to the rodeo. Good give away there also no bike you will have to participate in the WEEK and register your raffle tickets.
    I can try to explain more if there are questions in the morning. Thanks to you for your volunteering if any one else would like just let me know. Great day to you and yours...LOOK both ways and LOOK again. Christine
